2.1 Publications

According to the Web of Science database, 10,793 Greek publications in international scientific journals were registered in 2014. While a minor decrease can be recorded (when compared with the 2012 high of 11.178 publications), 5-year fluctuation is very low with the number of yearly publications ranging between 10,500 and 11,000 for the last five years (Figure 2.1.1).


Διάγραμμα 2.1.1



Focusing on research productivity, defined as research inputs (R&D Expenditure and human capital) versus research outputs (publications), Figures 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 show that Greece is well placed among European countries. More specifically, if R&D expenditure is taken into consideration (Figure 2.1.2) Greece is ranked 3rd among 24 EU countries

Similarly, in Figure 2.1.3 the number of publications in international journals per researcher (as counted in FTE) is expressed. Greece ranks in the 14th place among 24 EU countries.


Διάγραμμα 2.1.2

No data available for Iceland and Luxembourg (countries with less than 1500 publications).



Διάγραμμα 2.1.3

No data available for Iceland and Luxembourg (countries with less than 1500 publications).



Since 2011 Greece has discontinued its continuous increase in terms of number of publications. During 2012 and 2013 the trend has reversed indicating a drop as opposed OECD and EU countries (Figure 2.1.4). 


Διάγραμμα 2.1.4



In 2014, Greece’s share in EU publications was 2.10% and its share in OECD publications was 1.06%. As recorded in Figure 2.1.5, since 2007 shares of Greek publications in EU and OECD publications follow a declining trend.


Διάγραμμα 2.1.5



Greece ranked 25th in terms of its share in the OECD (Figure 2.1.6). With a share of 38.8%, USA maintained the leading position among OECD countries, followed by the United Kingdom and Germany, with a share slightly above 10% each.


Διάγραμμα 2.1.6

No data available for Iceland and Luxembourg (countries with less than 1500 publications). 



In terms of the number of publications per million population, Greece holds the 25th place in the OECD (Figure 2.1.7) with 988 publications per million population.  Switzerland maintained the leading position with 3,552 publications.


Διάγραμμα 2.1.7

No data available for Iceland and Luxembourg (countries with less than 1500 publications). 
